Overview: Gunpowder Riverkeeper’s Clear Choices Clean Water campaign, in partnershipwith Waterkeepers Chesapeake, increases awareness about how choices residents make impact local rivers and streams – and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. The campaign inspires people to pledge to implement water-friendly practices that reduce polluted stormwater runoff, such as reducing the use of lawn fertilizer, planting native plants, managing pet waste, and volunteering time to help with local clean water initiatives.
Project: Gunpowder Riverkeeper will focus efforts in all of the watersheds throughout Harford County. Harford County contains four major river basins: the Bush River Basin, the Gunpowder River Basin, the Lower Susquehanna River Basin, and the Upper Western Shore Basin – all of which drain to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. These larger watersheds are made up of many smaller tributaries. For example, the Bush River Basin is comprised of the Otter Point Creek, Bush Creek, and Church Creek Subbasins.
Benefit: The Clear Choices Clean Water Campaign has the ability to increase participation in environmental stewardship with Harford County residents in their own yards and neighborhoods. The campaign’s core message is that what each of us does matters, and we can all make a difference. Pledge takers see their location on an interactive map – showing the cumulative impact of their pledge alongside many others. They also get an easy, low-pressure way to encourage friends, family and neighbors to do their part and to connect with their local Riverkeeper.
Take a pledge today at MyHarford.ClearChoicesCleanWater.org!
Gunpowder Riverkeeper’s MyHarford.ClearChoicesCleanWater.org campaign is sponsored by Harford County Department of Public Works
through a grant administered by the Chesapeake Bay Trust.