Overview: Because of the economic, biological and recreational importance of the River, there exists a pressing need for independent, comprehensive baseline environmental monitoring and mapping of the river and its watershed. Parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved solids, Chlorophyll A, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and bacteria will be collected throughout the watershed. This data will be visualized with GIS mapping and shared with regulatory agencies.
Project: In-stream monitoring work will take place at sites of concern along the river and its watershed to determine water quality impacts.
Benefits: This information may be used to assess and report on the river’s relative biological health, potential watershed impacts and monitoring industrial, commercial and recreational impacts along the watershed. This data set will be used to direct county and state agencies to factor existing impacts into TMDL, (Total Maximum Daily Load) recommendations throughout the watershed.
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Gunpowder River Water Quality Update August 14th, 2023

Gunpowder River Water Quality Update August 9th, 2023

Gunpowder River Water Quality Update August 1st, 2023

Gunpowder River Water Quality Update July 25th, 2023

Gunpowder River Water Quality Update July 19th, 2023