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/ Advocacy, News
Abingdon Business Park MDE Hearing Update

Abingdon Business Park MDE Hearing Update

Approximately 100 concerned citizens many of whom were residents, attended the public hearing for the Abingdon Woods Business park on ...
/ Advocacy, News
MDE Press Release on Mountain Christian Church Indicates that the  Surface Discharge Permit Application was Withdrawn

MDE Press Release on Mountain Christian Church Indicates that the Surface Discharge Permit Application was Withdrawn

MDE has provided the following press release and statement from Secretary Ben Grumbles : SECRETARY GRUMBLES STATEMENT ON MOUNTAIN CHRISTIAN ...
/ Advocacy
MDE Wetlands And Waterways Hearing November 6, 2019 For "Abingdon Woods"

MDE Wetlands And Waterways Hearing November 6, 2019 For “Abingdon Woods”

Several Harford County area nonprofits including Gunpowder RIVERKEEPER have requested a MDE hearing on the Wetlands and Waterways Permit #201961268/19-NT-0228 ...
Gunpowder RIVERKEEPER® acknowledges that we protect land, water, sensitive species, and communities in the traditional territory of many nations including the Algonquin, the Susquehannock and the Delaware peoples.
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